Chantelle Foglietta is a romantic artist, painting with bold pigments yet a softness of structure, creating striking abstracts which reflect the passion and vibrance within herself, but also reflecting of that which surrounds her and the human condition. Her main bodies of work are abstract expressionist and, working with a variety of media, Chantelle is constantly exploring innovative approaches to create her pieces, with a variety of tools, materials and techniques in her repertoire. Although predominantly self-taught, Chantelle has also undertaken an artist residency in Florence, Italy, and her work has been selected for exhibition in a number of international art collaboratives, including the SwissArt Expo, Artbox Mallorca and, most recently, the Holy Art Fair in London’s OXO Tower Bargehouse. Her aim is simple; to create and bring more beauty into the world. She has originals and limited edition prints available, and also undertakes commission work bespoke to the interior designs of clients.
“Painting gives me an outlet to try to capture and express our day-today lives that words simply cannot express. That could be exultance, heartbreak, ecstasy, or simply a feeling or emotion that needs no name. Sometimes it’s about using colours, vibrance and light reflection in a way to evoke those sentiments, and sometimes to encapsulate it. Either way, I think it’s why I tend to use large canvases. These sensations are limitless so it would be absurd to think it can be transferred to a flat surface, but it’s what I use to try, at the very least, to draw in. I try to use acrylics and metallic leaves in balance, reflecting what you see and feel, but also sometimes stimulating this within. The magnitude of these emotions and sensations can be seemingly impossible to transfer to the canvas, but I hope at least a glimmer of the element makes its way through, to capture, to stir, and I hope you enjoy being lost in them, as I do."
Please contact chantellefoglietta@live.co.uk for further details or to discuss your project.